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Doors and windows market quietly changed to develop green products

2017-05-01 Source::

Recently, according to the latest data show that Chinese Industry Development Research Report, Chinese industry output value exceeded 300 billion yuan of market share, industry competition becoming more and more fierce. After 30 years of development, the Chinese industry production enterprises more than 1.1 million, if the past 30 years is door enterprises rely on liberal market environment, mutual imitation, spell price wealthy in 30 years, then the next 30 years industry enterprises will undergo a what kind of change, how to win in the wind and cloud changes of market changes, will be a topic of concern for all people in the industry. Building materials network that door industry enterprises should have a clear understanding of the development of the industry trend to more to share the market share of the industry market this big cake ".
The market quietly changed
Industry market after the reform and opening up 30 years of changes show that consumer demand decided the direction of the market, the only clearly and accurately grasp the current consumption trends in order to better meet market needs. After the baptism of reform and opening, the new generation of consumer psychology has changed significantly. Door industry the main consumer groups has been from the past five, in the 1960s, the main consumer groups, a gradual transition to seven, in the 1980s, the individual consumption. Especially the younger generation born after the 1980s, has gradually become the backbone of society, they expect to choose home products according to their own preferences and more embodied in the individual life advocates.
At present, eighty, seven's consumer's concept of birth tends to be more rational. Owing to the quickening pace of work and life, they not only in the choice of home furnishing products have their own unique concept of consumption, and pay more attention to the connotation and style of the furniture brand of interest, this and pay attention to the function of the product of traditional consumer groups is completely different.
Propensity to develop green products
In recent years, the consumption concept of consumer groups is changing day by day, which urges the enterprise to pay attention to product development under the new market change.. Chuanwang wood responsible person said, the future development trend of more products industry two characteristics. One is low-carbon environment. In the global advocate low carbon environmental background, a new generation of consumer groups for low carbon environmental protection consciousness is more intense, the door production enterprises are bound to follow the trend, towards the green environmental protection product development direction. Such as businesses to use environmentally friendly raw materials, and constantly improve the production technology and optimize the production process, and save production processes of energy consumption, for consumers to provide safety and environmental protection of green and low carbon home in the door.
The personage inside course of study, the consumers's increasing pursuit of personalized decoration style, will promote the industry product design toward personalized and refined in the direction of development, which requires the enterprise in product design and innovation must keep pace with the times.
Focus on improving the terminal image
Along with the quickening of the urbanization process, urban cluster effect is prominent day by day, door of terminal market changes will directly affect the consumer's choice of the product. Recently, more and more consumers began to pay attention to the shopping environment of comfortable, Macalline, home and other brand shop at home, for example, the shop, comfortable and elegant shopping environment and individuation service attracted many consumers come to buy door products.
In addition, the rapid expansion of the national home chain, coupled with the rising regional stores, forcing the traditional building materials market forced to upgrade. On the one hand, most door industry enterprises is to enhance their own image of the terminal, and continuous decoration store to improve the shopping environment, the other also there is no lack of door industry enterprises because they can't afford high entry costs, operating costs and store maintenance fees, and was eliminated from the market. Terminal stores will eventually be big brand, the strength of the enterprise occupied.
Terminal store
Will shift from first tier cities to two or three tier cities
In the industry view, door industry enterprises in the face of the high cost of the terminal stores, they will eventually turn the construction of the terminal stores the first city to second and third tier cities.
With growing saturation of city of a gleam of high-end stores, door industry believes that the broader market door will in two or three cities, and even the four line of the city development. These City stores format is not mature, the construction of independent stores more dominant, and the operation of the lower cost. In the future, the end of the three or four line city construction itself will be more choice for enterprises.
With shrinking of the industry market, raw materials cost increases and the technology is different, the traditional industry, the competition has encountered a bottleneck, the attendant is enterprise will face under the new situation of industry competition pattern, how to under the new pattern of achievement industry, a promising future, test is the wisdom of the current industry executives and team